Saturday, September 19, 2015

2015 Vectren Share the Warmth wrap up

This year's Share the Warmth program funded by Vectren and it's customer's donations wrapped up earlier this month.  119 households participated, up from 94 participants last year.  $257,874 was spent to help weatherize homes participating in Indiana's low income weatherization program.  A few program highlights:

  • 74 received a new furnace to replace an existing, but unsafe furnace.
  • 16 cook stoves were replaced or repaired to eliminate unsafe levels of carbon monoxide being made.
  • 20 unsafe gas fired water heaters were replaced.
  • 170,522 cfm@50 Pascals worth of air sealing reductions was achieved.  Which is roughly the equivalent of there being three doors left open year round, letting hot air leave in the winter.  Those three doors are now shut and keeping warm air inside the homes.
  • Over 1.5 acres of attic insulation was installed (66,945 square feet).
  • Enough walls were insulated to cover nearly 15 IMAX screens (55,589 square feet).
  • 1,413 feet of pipe insulation was installed, taller than five Indiana State Soldiers and Sailors Monuments stacked one on top of another.
  • 20,174 square feet of mobile home belly insulation was installed, enough to insulate more than four basketball court floors.

The map below shows where the funds were spent throughout the state (anonymized by county).  Nearly 40% of the funds were put to use in Madison, Knox, Vigo, and Vanderburgh counties.  

The next map breaks down a few bits of information for each county where Share the Warmth funds were utilized.

Please click on a spot to see how much was spent & claimed for STW

And for the implementation bits:

I would like to thank Ohio Valley Opportunities, Community Action of Western Indiana, PACE, Community & Family Services, Central Indiana CAP, Western Indiana Community Action, South Central CAP, Hoosier Uplands, TRI-CAP, and Lincoln Hills for accepting and putting to use additional Share the Warmth funds.  I appreciate your flexibility!