First, some kudos. It was a pleasant surprise to see Ray Judy on the TV the other day. (It looks like the video in the WTHR link is still a bit glitchy.) He did a good job stressing the importance of air sealing before adding insulation.
Unfortunately, the camera then cuts to the reporter holding a of tube of caulk. Foam guns are cool looking! Show a foam gun! Even a little can of Great Stuff would be an improvement...
Come on Indy! Chicago has it figured out (go Meena!).
On a slightly related note, it is a bit puzzling to me why Indiana would be running out of all the "cheap" gas already. The tiny bit of reading I've done leads me to believe (not being an expert) that most of the fracking contracts that were producing vast amounts of cheap natural gas were long term contracts. As in we'd be enjoying cheap gas for the next 3-4 years. I can see gas bills being higher this month due to the increased number of heating degree days relative to last year. But the article specifically says the increase in cost is due to new gas costs.
Oh, and don't set your thermostat to 72 degrees in the summer and expect to see big electric savings. I wonder if that was deliberate misinformation from the gas companies to raise electric bills or if the error was on the reporter? Regardless, 78 degrees is just barely comfortable for most people in the summer and would be a setting that would help keep cooling costs lower.
It looks like WTHR combined information from Citizens Energy Group and Vectren when giving reasons why your gas bill will be higher in April. WISHTV has an article that covers Vectren and not CEG. According to Vectren, they are citing the colder weather as the reason for the higher bills, not an increase in the wholesale cost to the utility.
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